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Old 06-09-2011, 09:51 AM
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Which flag

Good day all,

I'm checking on a the various forums I participate on. There also seems to be a large number of military people here.

I've been running a project for many years where I have a flag that had flown over the ship I was on during Desert Storm. Since then it has been flying over various historic ships, sites and monuments. Over 40 to date with some being really special.

I had always planned to use this flag when I retire for my box.

Now comes the problem. My Grandfather's body had passed on recently (he had alztimers so he had died many years before that) and he had a military funeral as a WWII Navy Vet. My mother wishes to give the flag to me since I am the only living person in the family with military let alone Navy. I will be getting it when I go home for a visit in a couple weeks. I was unable to attend the funeral.

Now I am torn between which flag to use. I have a little time (3 years) before the day.

Seeing if any of you have been in a similar position? I also have his Dress Blue jumper as well as his original ribbons.

Thanks for your help,

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Old 06-09-2011, 11:30 PM
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TexasJack TexasJack is offline
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I was never in the military, though many members of my family have been, so you can take or leave my opinion as you will.

If you did not have a special flag with your history on it, then your grandfather's flag would seem to be very appropriate. Since you do have one that obviously has meaning to your career, your friends, and your compatriots, then my feeling is that you put your grandfather's flag in a nice flag case and use your own for your box.

In effect, you built upon your family's service and your own flag symbolizes that addition.

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Old 06-09-2011, 11:46 PM
gh1 gh1 is offline
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I never had to make that tuff of a choice.I went in becouse of my granddad.He was a world war I vet and was gased in1918.He survived and went onto have 11 kids and 16 grandkids and 4 great grand kids before he passed.I would put his there for he was everything to us and my kids and now 5 grandkids can have mine.Just my thoughts.
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Old 07-25-2011, 05:17 PM
gsimmo gsimmo is offline
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I have a bit of experience with this. Sounds really close to what you told Drac. I was also in the Navy for six years, during the Croatia/Bosnia former Yugoslavia conflicts and the start of the Afghan/Iraq campaigns. So a touch after you. My grandfather also passed from complications due to alztimers after suffering for more then ten years. He was also an Army vet from WWII, and we received his flag from the VA as well. What I did for his flag was put it in a tri-corner box, mounted to a rectangle box that has his uniform jacket, ribbons, and metals mounted on it (also has the chunk of metal that the Germans gave to him). It sits at my parents house, along with the same set up for my other Grandfather (passed much earlier, barely remember him) also an Army vet of WWII. My father's, uncle's, brother's, sister-in-law's and mine are also there, but lack flags in the tri-corners. Just my opinion, but the flag that flew on your ship may have more history to gather before being boxed away. The Navy flag I always carried with me where ever Uncle Sam saw fit to send me will be in my box when I am gone. Until then, I try to send it along on deployments with people I know. It always comes back with that person. Just my thoughts, from one Vet to another.

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art, flags, military

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